

  • Include volunteers, led by a chair and/or co-chairs, that focus on specific topics.
  • Meet virtually throughout the year at a time and frequency convenient for its members in order to complete their objectives.
  • Welcome all interested individuals to join in and participate! Contact to volunteer.

Care Coordination
To identify nursing-sensitive essential shareable/exchangeable and comparable data elements to support care coordination activities and improve patient outcomes; Identify gaps/missing information needed to individualize care (e.g., patient preferences, goals, strengths, ability to self-manage, etc.)

Context of Care
Demonstrate sharable and comparable nurse data across the care continuum by capturing nursing “big data” in the Nursing Management Minimum Data Set (NMMDS), the Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS) and the Nursing Knowledge: Big Data Science Conference Nursing Value Data Set (NVDS) to increase nurse data usability, provide patient, family and community centric data and, fortify data generated by nurses, about nurses and nursing care across the care continuum and across care transitions in all settings where nurses provide care.

Data Science and Clinical Analytics
Apply data science and clinical analytic methods, incorporating validated information models derived from diverse sources of health care data, to address nurse-sensitive clinical research questions that have the potential to inform and educate nursing and multidisciplinary approaches for better patient care and outcomes.

To ensure a competent nursing workforce capable of using digital technology to innovate, to create efficiencies, and to generate knowledge. This workgroup will collaborate with other workgroups and organizations, develop tools and strategies for increasing competency of nursing professionals, faculty and students; disseminate information and provide training.

Encoding and Modeling
Curate LOINC and SNOMED-CT mappings for nursing-specific value sets, submit requests for new codes where appropriate, and incorporate the content and standards into a framework and repository for dissemination.

Knowledge Modeling
To validate previously developed information models using flowsheet data to extend national standards with nurse-sensitive data, and continuously improve and adapt the knowledge model validation and creation process using flowsheet data and other nurse-sensitive information.

Mobile Health
Explore the use of mobile health (mHealth) data by nurses including both nursing-generated data and patient-generated data. Identify and support activities and resources to address unmet needs and create opportunities to utilize mHealth data within nursing workflows.  

Nursing Value
Continue development and testing of a Nursing Value Model, with respect to a broad definition of value. The workgroup explores value in reference to nursing with quantitative metrics such as cost and available resources; also, more holistic and qualitative metrics related to values such as caring, engagement, connectedness, and spirituality. The workgroup will employ artificial intelligence methodologies to further define the application of nursing value/values in service to health and health care.

Policy and Advocacy
Elevate the voice and visibility of each workgroup’s nurse-led Big Data initiatives.  We will be lending advocacy recommendations to support the endorsement and dissemination of leading-edge collateral, deliverables, and work products (Updated draft to be approved by Workgroup Summer/Fall 2021).

Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health
Support the inclusion, interoperability, and use of Determinants of Health (DOH) by nurses/for nurses in electronic health records and digital health tools to empower nurses to partner with patients, families and communities and interprofessional colleagues/care teams for whole person care to improve individual, community and population health (draft proposed change to be submitted to Steering Committee and workgroup members Summer/Fall 2021).

Transforming Documentation
Explore ways to decrease the nursing documentation burden and serve up the information already in the electronic health record at the right time in the workflow to support evidence-based and personalized care. Elevate purpose-driven, role-based, patient-centric, evidence-informed documentation transformation to capture nurse observations and interventions and drive purposeful secondary-use & precision nursing. Transformation supports enhanced data utilization to drive and measure improvement in patient outcomes and illuminate nursing’s value and contribution in healthcare.