Title: LOINC Submission Template Scales Surveys (Rev 8.10.2021)
Author(s): LOINC
Author(s): Tess Settergren (added tips for scale and survey submissions)
Abstract: The Encoding-Modeling Work Group added details and tips to assist proper use of the original LOINC clinical submission template spreadsheet, which was reviewed by the LOINC Nursing Subcommittee. This revised template is only intended for submission of standardized scales and surveys to LOINC, and was updated as of 8-10-2021. Please review the heuristics document pertaining to submission of standardized scales and surveys to LOINC: https://proxy.qualtrics.com/proxy/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nursingbigdata.org%2Fnode%2F96&token=tLx3baaayvJWh4TDSjZKVQpFe%2BFBM4t3dGJNFGqpLEs%3D