Conference Proceedings 2021

Proceeding of the 2021 Nursing Knowledge Big Data Science Conference held virtual June 9-11, 2021.   Includes conference overview, workgroup reports, and actions plans.


Preconference workshops: June 9, 2021

TRACK 1 - Nursing on FHIR: Conceptual Definitions and Hands-on Tutorial

TRACK 2 - Data Validation and Clinical Documentation Accuracy: The Process to Use “Good” Data for Clinical Applications and infrastructure?

TRACK 3 - Hands-on Data Science

TRACK 4 - Interprofessional Core Data and its Potential for Team Care

TRACK 5 - Transforming Documentation–Admission history and Nursing Notes Release


Conference:  June 10-11, 2021

Keynote:  "Five Ways Big Data is Changing Nursing," Molly K. McCarthy, MBA, RN-BC, Managing Director, Health Providers and Plans, Microsoft

Rector Panel:  Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Nursing

Nursing Big Data eRepository


Conference Proceedings