Title: Pain Information Model
Author(s): Knowledge Modeling Workgroup
Abstract: Pain is a commonly occurring problem associated with high costs for pain management. The methods, frequency, and inconsistency across hospital units can increase the burden of documentation. The Pain Information Model (IM) represents an essential set of nurse-sensitive data elements that are evidence-based and standardized for documentation. A retrospective observational study was conducted using an iterative consensus-based approach to map, analyze, and evaluate data from 10 organizations that uses practice-based evidence to create the model. The Pain IM standardizes pain concepts, definitions, and associated value sets for assessments, goals, interventions, and outcomes. It includes 30 concepts, 4 panels (classes), and 396 value set items. Results build on LOINC pain assessment terms and extend the need for additional terms to support interoperability.
Published articles/books: Citation/ Reference
Westra, B.L., Johnson, S. G., Ali, S., Bavuso, K.M., Cruz, C.A., Collins, S., Furukawa, M., Hook, M.L., LaFlamme, A., Lytle, K., Pruinelli, L., Rajchel, T., Settergren, T., Westman, K.F., Whittenburg, L. (2018).Validation and Refinement of a Pain Information Model from EHR Flowsheet Data, Applied Clinical Informatics, 9:185–198, doi: 10.1055/s-0038-1636508.